2月 13, 2009

【目錄】USACO Trainng

USACO Trainng - 試題解題一覽


What's This
How To Start


NOCOW - USACO Training (簡)
USACO譯題のSGZOI鏡像站 (簡)

Section 1.1

Your Ride Is Here (ride)
Greedy Gift Givers (gift1)
Friday the Thirteenth (friday)
Broken Necklace (beads) - coming soon...
Your Ride Is Here (ride) - coming soon...

Section 1.2

Milking Cows (milk2) - coming soon...
Transformations (transform) - coming soon...
Name That Number (namenum) - coming soon...
Palindromic Squares (palsquare) - coming soon...
Dual Palindromes (dualpal) - coming soon...

Section 1.3

Mixing Milk (milk) - coming soon...
Barn Repair (barn1) - coming soon...
Calf Flac (calfflac) - coming soon...
Prime Cryptarithm (crypt1) - coming soon...

Section 1.4

Packing Rectangles (packrec) - coming soon...
The Clocks (clocks) - coming soon...
Arithmetic Progressions (ariprog) - coming soon...
Mother's Milk (milk3) - coming soon...

Section 1.5

Number Triangles (numtri) - coming soon...
Prime Palindromes (pprime) - coming soon...
SuperPrime Rib (sprime) - coming soon...
Checker Challenge (checker) - coming soon...

Section 2.1

The Castle (castle) - coming soon...
Ordered Fractions (frac1) - coming soon...
Sorting A Three-Valued Sequence (sort3) - coming soon...
Healthy Holsteins (holstein) - coming soon...
Hamming Codes (hamming) - coming soon...

Section 2.2

Preface Numbering (preface) - coming soon...
Subset Sums (subset) - coming soon...
Runaround Numbers (runround) - coming soon...
Party Lamps (lamps) - coming soon...

Section 2.3

The Longest Prefix (prefix) - coming soon...
Cow Pedigrees (nocows) - coming soon...
Zero Sum (zerosum) - coming soon...
Money Systems (money) - coming soon...
Controlling Companies (concom) - coming soon...

Section 2.4

The Tamworth Two (ttwo) - coming soon...
Overfencing (maze1) - coming soon...
Cow Tours (cowtour) - coming soon...
Bessie Come Home (comehome) - coming soon...
Fractions to Decimals (fracdec) - coming soon...

Section 3.1

Agri-Net (agrinet) - coming soon...
Score Inflation (inflate) - coming soon...
Humble Numbers (humble) - coming soon...
Shaping Regions (rect1) - coming soon...
Contact (contact) - coming soon...
Stamps (stamps) - coming soon...

Section 3.2

Factorials (fact4) - coming soon...
Stringsobits (kimbits) - coming soon...
Spinning Wheels (spin) - coming soon...
Feed Ratios (ratios) - coming soon...
Magic Squares (msquare) - coming soon...
Sweet Butter (butter) - coming soon...

Section 3.3

Riding The Fences (fence) - coming soon...
Shopping Offers (shopping) - coming soon...
Camelot (camelot) - coming soon...
Home on the Range (range) - coming soon...
A Game (game1) - coming soon...

Section 3.4

Closed Fences (fence4) - coming soon...
American Heritage (heritage) - coming soon...
Electric Fence (fence9) - coming soon...
Raucous Rockers (rockers) - coming soon...

Section 4.1

Beef McNuggets (nuggets) - coming soon...
Fence Rails (fence8) - coming soon...
Fence Loops (fence6) - coming soon...
Cryptcowgraphy (cryptcow) - coming soon...

Section 4.2

Drainage Ditches (ditch) - coming soon...
The Perfect Stall (stall4) - coming soon...
Job Processing (job) - coming soon...
Cowcycles (cowcycle) - coming soon...

Section 4.3

Buy Low, Buy Lower (buylow) - coming soon...
The Primes (prime3) - coming soon...
Street Race (race3) - coming soon...
Letter Game (lgame) - coming soon...

Section 4.4

Shuttle Puzzle (shuttle) - coming soon...
Pollutant Control (milk6) - coming soon...
Frame Up (frameup) - coming soon...

Section 5.1

Fencing the Cows (fc) - coming soon...
Starry Night (starry) - coming soon...
Musical Themes (theme) - coming soon...

Section 5.2

Snail Trail (snail) - coming soon...
Electric Fences (fence3) - coming soon...
Wisconsin Squares (wissqu) - coming soon...

Section 5.3

Milk Measuring (milk4) - coming soon...
Window Area (window) - coming soon...
Network of Schools (schlnet) - coming soon...
Big Barn (bigbrn) - coming soon...

Section 5.4

All Latin Squares (latin) - coming soon...
Canada Tour (tour) - coming soon...
Character Recognition (charrec) - coming soon...
Betsy's Tour (betsy) - coming soon...
TeleCowmunication (telecow) - coming soon...

Section 5.5

Picture (picture) - coming soon...
Hidden Passwords (hidden) - coming soon...
Two Five (twofive) - coming soon...

Section 6.1

Postal Vans (vans) - coming soon...
A Rectangular Barn (rectbarn) - coming soon...
Cow XOR (cowxor) - coming soon...

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