The Problem
A prime number is a number that has only two divisors: itself and the number one. Examples of prime numbers are: 1, 2, 3, 5, 17, 101 and 10007.
In this problem you should read a set of words, each word is composed only by letters in the range a-z and A-Z. Each letter has a specific value, the letter a is worth 1, letter b is worth 2 and so on until letter z that is worth 26. In the same way, letter A is worth 27, letter B is worth 28 and letter Z is worth 52.
You should write a program to determine if a word is a prime word or not. A word is a prime word if the sum of its letters is a prime number.
The input consists of a set of words. Each word is in a line by itself and has L letters, where 1 ≤ L ≤ 20. The input is terminated by enf of file (EOF).
For each word you should print: It is a prime word., if the sum of the letters of the word is a prime number, otherwise you should print: It is not a prime word..
Sample Input
Sample Output
It is a prime word.
It is not a prime word.
It is not a prime word.
首先,根據題目定義,我們需要先將輸入字串中的字母轉成數字並相加,並存在變數 sum 中。
完成之後,再利用迴圈從 2 到 √sum 中尋找是否有 sum 的因數(判別是否可以整除,即餘數是否為 0)。若有,則代表 sum 不是一個質數。反之,則代表 sum 是一個質數。
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main(void) { string s; while (cin >> s) { // 將字母轉換為數字 int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { if (s[i] >= 'a' && s[i] <= 'z') { sum += s[i] - 'a' + 1; } else if (s[i] >= 'A' && s[i] <= 'Z') { sum += s[i] - 'A' + 27; } } // 判斷是否為質數 bool prime = true; for (int i = 2; i * i <= sum; i++) { if (sum % i == 0) { prime = false; break; } } cout << "It is " << (prime ? "" : "not ") << "a prime word." << endl; } #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE system("pause"); #endif return 0; }
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