The Problem
TeX is a typesetting language developed by Donald Knuth. It takes source text together with a few typesetting instructions and produces, one hopes, a beautiful document. Beautiful documents use `` and " to delimit quotations, rather than the mundane " which is what is provided by most keyboards. Keyboards typically do not have an oriented double-quote, but they do have a left-single-quote ` and a right-single-quote '. Check your keyboard now to locate the left-single-quote key ` (sometimes called the ``backquote key") and the right-single-quote key ' (sometimes called the ``apostrophe" or just ``quote"). Be careful not to confuse the left-single-quote ` with the ``backslash" key \. TeX lets the user type two left-single-quotes `` to create a left-double-quote `` and two right-single-quotes '' to create a right-double-quote ''. Most typists, however, are accustomed to delimiting their quotations with the un-oriented double-quote ".
If the source contained:
"To be or not to be," quoth the bard, "that is the question."
then the typeset document produced by TeX would not contain the desired form:
``To be or not to be," quoth the bard, ``that is the question."
In order to produce the desired form, the source file must contain the sequence:
``To be or not to be,'' quoth the bard, ``that is the question.''
You are to write a program which converts text containing double-quote (") characters into text that is identical except that double-quotes have been replaced by the two-character sequences required by TeX for delimiting quotations with oriented double-quotes. The double-quote (") characters should be replaced appropriately by either `` if the " opens a quotation and by '' if the " closes a quotation. Notice that the question of nested quotations does not arise: The first " must be replaced by ``, the next by '', the next by ``, the next by '', the next by ``, the next by '', and so on.
Input and Output
Input will consist of several lines of text containing an even number of double-quote (") characters. Input is ended with an end-of-file character. The text must be output exactly as it was input except that:
* the first " in each pair is replaced by two ` characters: `` and * the second " in each pair is replaced by two ' characters: ''.
Sample Input
"To be or not to be," quoth the Bard, "that
is the question".
The programming contestant replied: "I must disagree.
To `C' or not to `C', that is The Question!"
Sample Output
``To be or not to be,'' quoth the Bard, ``that
is the question''.
The programming contestant replied: ``I must disagree.
To `C' or not to `C', that is The Question!''
我的作法是,先使用一個 boolean 變數紀錄現在接著要輸出左單引還是右單引。
再來,既然「"」才是重點,就直接使用 string 的搜尋函式找「"」。輸出之前的內容之後,再根據 boolean 變數判斷輸出的單引號。跳過輸出這個「"」之後重複上述動作,直到搜尋完字串為止。
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main(void) { bool quote = true; string str; while (getline(cin, str)) { int search[2] = {0, 0}; while ((search[1] = str.find("\"", search[0])) != string::npos) { cout << str.substr(search[0], search[1] - search[0]); if (quote) { cout << "``"; } else { cout << "''"; } quote = !quote; search[0] = search[1] + 1; } cout << str.substr(search[0], str.size() - search[0]); cout << endl; } #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE system("pause"); #endif }
6 回覆:
你好酷... 台灣有希望了
我的不對耶 為什麼?
int main(void)
char text[1000];
int i,count=1;
if(count){putchar('`'); putchar('`');}
else {putchar('\''); putchar('\'');}
return 0;
你需要將原始程式的 int count = 1
移到 while(gets(text)) { ... } 之外喔
仔細看題目的 Sample Input,單行文字的雙引號不見得是偶數的
用你的程式來跑的話,讀入每一行都會重置 count 變數,於是:
"To be or not to be," quoth the Bard, "that
is the question".
``To be or not to be,'' quoth the Bard, ``that
is the question``.
``To be or not to be,'' quoth the Bard, ``that
is the question''.
注意到 question 後面引號的差異了嗎?